Founders' statement

It was in 2009...
Passionate about medical aesthetics since always and after a long experience in the pharmaceutical, medical and aesthetic industry,
Laurence Gambino and Serge Spermon embark on an entrepreneurial journey as exciting as the quest for skin quality. Conscious that it is impossible to offer a complete range from a single supplier for different demands, this duo was convinced that they could bring a breath of fresh air to this universe by discovering THE product for THE specific demand!
In creating the temple of medical aesthetic products that they would have liked to find as consumers, they mainly wanted to have as a goal a quest for beauty that is more transparent, more effective and more responsible! SPEGA offers innovative products in the field of medical aesthetics, beauty and well-being.
Spega Group
Today, SPEGA has grown and become SPEGA GROUP due to the expansion of various subsidiaries that we have created in Europe, namely, Spega France, Spega UK, Spega Ireland, Spega Benelux and, most recently, we have opened Spega Italy.
It's a passionate, enthusiastic and bold team, sharing the same vision: that of a beauty that is more transparent, more effective, and at the same time more expert and more authentic.
We constantly work to provide all the necessary information and keys that will explain the reason for our choice for this or that product. We are and will always remain at the forefront of technologies.
Being attentive to the needs of patients, consumers and professionals in medical aesthetics is part of our expertise. Every day, we collect your confidences and seek solutions to your problems.
One, two, three ... From this listening was born a philosophy, developed over the years: that of the 3 essential values at Spega ...
Involvement, we are very invested in our professional lives and put our hearts into what we do.
Agility and service, we bring solutions and "custom-made" to find the best solutions, while maintaining the continuity of strategy, operations and human.
Team spirit, our projects are co-constructed by all employees.
Spega Institute
To continue learning, we wanted to professionalize and frame our training more. It is with our Spega Institute training department, certified by Qualiopi, that our employees train professionals. Because, as we know, the skills of professionals give our products their "excellences.